
Week 41 ~ June 3 - 7

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday Research the ideas you came up with in class and see if they can be made into an experiment. Choose one experiment topic, and bring that to class, written in your ORANGE.

Tuesday -   In your ORANGE.. write up your science project question using: what, when, where, why and how. Then, write your hypothesis after your question. A hypothesis is a simple statement stating an educated “guess” [or prediction] of what you think might be the answer. 

For example, if my question is: "How much weight does it take for something to sink to the bottom in water?"

Then, my hypothesis statement might be: "I predict that objects weighing more than 2 ounces will sink to the bottom when placed in water."

Wednesday - (do #1 and 2)
1.) Start researching experiment models to answer your question. Has it been done before? How? Which experiment model will you use? Your experiment must test your hypothesis, and try to answer your original question. Write down what your experiment will be like in your ORANGE, step-by-step. (if you already did this, then just do Grammar, see below).

2.) Finish ALL pages (up to p. 120) in Spelling and Grammar by this Friday.

Thursday -   Finish ALL pages (up to p. 120) in Spelling and Grammar by tomorrow, Friday. Make a list of all the things you will need for your experiment. Things you have at home, things you will buy. Make sure you get all these things you need over the weekend. We will begin our experiments next week!

Week 40 - May 27 - 31

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Make and print out MENU. Bring printed Menu to school tomorrow. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -   Cook your food for tomorrow. 
* Remember to TAKE PICTURES as you cook and then upload these pics in high resolution to your Picasa photo presentation. 
* Bring your laptop tomorrow for the presentation. 
* Come in your chef outfit, an apron, or dress up representing your country. 
* Bring toothpicks, NAPKINS, and small cups, plates, forks, and spoons if you need them!

Wednesday - Raz-kids

Thursday -   Study Spelling Words for assessment tomorrow, Friday. Finish up Raz-kids today

Week 38 - May 13 - 17

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 103 - 105

Tuesday -   Raz-kids

Wednesday - Raz-kids

Thursday -   Study Spelling Words for assessment tomorrow, Friday. Finish up Raz-kids today

Week 37 - May 7 - 10

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - No classes.

Tuesday -   Spelling pp. 101 - 102Do Raz-kids. You may start on your animal presentation today at home (we will present the animals this Thursday). See below on "Wednesday" for the questions you must answer in your presentation.

Wednesday - Make your animal presentation on a poster board or a clay setting. 
Answer ALL of the following questions about your animal:
1. What's your animal's name and what species does it belong to?
2. Where in the world does your animal live?
3. What is your animal's habitat? (desert, ocean, rain forest, etc.)
4. Is your animal endangered?
5. What does your animal eat?
6. What are the male characteristics?
7. What are the female characteristics?
8. Can your animal be tamed?
9. Are there any oustanding, special, or unique qualities about your animal that you would like us to know about?
10. Why did you choose this animal? Don't just say because it's "cool" or "cute". Please explain why this animal got your attention and why you chose to investigate it.

*Be ready to give a 5 minute presentation on your animal on Thursday, May 9.

Thursday -  Grammar pp. 107 - 108. Study Conjunctions for Grammar assessment tomorrow. Finish up Raz-kids today

Week 36 - Apr. 29 - May 3

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Due Thursday: Reading Practice Book pp. 234, 235, 237. Use ORANGE to guide you using Words To Know: Journey to the Center of the Earth.  Do Raz-kids.

Tuesday - Do Raz-kids.

Wednesday - Do Raz-kids.

Thursday -  Reading practice book pp. 239-240. Finish up Raz-kids today

Week 35 - Apr. 22 - 26

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Write a summary using the causes and effects you wrote about today in your ORANGE about "Earth". Do Raz-kids.

Tuesday - Socrates taught by asking questions. Which do you think is a better way to teach, by asking questions or by telling facts? Write a paragraph explaining your answer in your PURPLE. The title is, Teaching by Questioning. Make sure you write the date, capitalize the beginnings of your sentences, and put periods. Do Raz-kids.

Wednesday - Do Raz-kids.

Thursday -  Finish up Raz-kids today

Week 34 - Apr. 15 - 19

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 97 - 98. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 99 - 100. Raz-kids.

Wednesday - Spelling pp. 99-100. Study flash cards for Spelling assessment. Raz-kids.

Thursday - Study for Grammar assessment. Finish up Raz-kids today

Week 33 - Apr. 8 - 12

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 91 - 94. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 95 - 96. Raz-kids.

Wednesday - Spelling pp. 95 - 96Study for Spelling assessment. Raz-kids.

Thursday - Study for Grammar assessment. Finish up Raz-kids today.

Week 30 - Mar. 19 - 23

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - No classes.

Tuesday -  Reading Day tomorrow! Please bring:
1. Your favorite book/books in English
2. Cushion, pillow, blanket to read comfortably
3. Comfortable clothing
4. Fruit and healthy snacks only (no chips, cookies, candy, or junk food!)
4. We will read the entire period

Wednesday -  No homework.

Thursday - 

Week 28 - Feb. 25 - 28

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 81-82. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 82-83. Raz-kids. 

Wednesday -  Study for Spelling assessment tomorrow. Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Finish Raz-kids today. No Grammar assessment tomorrow as there are no classes. 

Week 27 - Feb. 18 - 22

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 78-79. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 79-80. Raz-kids. 

Wednesday -  Study for Spelling assessment. Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Study for Grammar and Spelling assessments tomorrow. Finish up Raz-kids today, and do the following:
1.) Find a snack low in fat and sugar, but high in carbohydrates: you can find the nutritional information of any snack by doing a google search. For example, type in, "nutritional information for Quaker Granola bar". You must be specific in your search by putting the NAME of the snack. Make sure the it's the right size too that you're searching.
2.) Bring a printed picture of this snack (no drawing).
3.) On this same picture, write the amount of fat, sugar, and carbohydrates.

*Remember: we are trying to find snacks LOW in fat and sugar, but HIGH in carbohydrates!

  Week 26 - Feb. 11 - 14

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. 

Wednesday -  Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today

  Week 25 ~ Feb. 5 - 8

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - No classes.

Tuesday -  Spelling pp. 67-72. Raz-kids. 

Wednesday -  Grammar pp. 71-72. Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today.

Week 24 ~ Jan. 28 - Feb. 1

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 65-66. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 67-68. Study your Spelling words for assessment - don´t wait until tomorrow to study. Do Raz-kids. 

Wednesday -  Study for Spelling assessment tomorrow. Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. Know Pronouns and Antecedents for Grammar assessment tomorrow.

Week 22 ~ Jan. 21 - 25

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 61, 62. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Spelling pp. 63, 64. Study your Spelling words for assessment - don´t wait until tomorrow to study. Do Raz-kids. 

Wednesday - Reading Practice book pp. 154, 155, 160. Study for Spelling assessment tomorrow. Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. Know Subject and Object Pronouns for Grammar assessment tomorrow.

Week 22 ~ Jan. 14 - 18

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Spelling pp. 59, 60. Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 59, 60. Raz-kids. 

Wednesday - Reading practice book pp. 154, 155, 160. Study for Spelling assessment tomorrow. Raz-kids. 

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. No Grammar assessment tomorrow. 

Week 15 ~ Nov. 26 - 29

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids.

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. 

Wednesday - Raz-kids. Bring your book title and its author for the genre you've been assigned. Also, please print out a SMALL picture of your book. Image should be about 15cm x 10cm.

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today.

Week 14 ~ Nov. 20 - 23

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - No classes.

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. Spelling pp. 47, 48

Wednesday - Raz-kids. Grammar pp. 47, 48

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. 

Week 13 ~ Nov. 12 - 16

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids. Spelling pp. 42-44

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. Grammar. 43-44

Wednesday - Raz-kids. Reading practice book 104-106. Study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.

Thursday - Bring a toiletry consumer product from home to school tomorrow. In your purple notebook you must write the following:
(title in red) Investigation of Consumer Product Ingredients
1. The name of the product
2. What it's supposed to do (ex. clean your teeth)
3. The top 3 ingredients listed on the back on the ingredients list

Bring the product and your purple notebook with these things written down to school. We will do brief presentations on each and discuss ingredients.

Finish up Raz-kids today. Remember the new Raz-kids policy. If you're not sure, read it up above.

Week 12 ~ Nov. 5 - 9

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. Read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids. Spelling pp. 39 - 40

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. Grammar. 39 - 40

Wednesday - Raz-kids. Study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. Remember the new Raz-kids policy. If you're not sure, read it up above.

Week 11 ~ Oct. 29 - Nov. 1

No Raz-kids homework this week..
Monday - Follow these exact instructions...

Right now, open up another tab and into the 5C Wikispaces, but keep this blog tab open:

Now that you are LOGGED IN, follow these instructions below. All the links below should work now because you have logged in...

1. On the Home Page, go to * 5C STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS *
2. Click on your name
3. Click on the "Compare Sunscreens" link with your name next to it
 4. Once you are in your sunscreen assignment, click on the EDIT button
4. Add another sunscreen (or two) to your page, including the CITATION (url links with the images and text you have copied from each site)
5. Make sure you add your OPINION now. You must decide which one you think is the best one according to the ingredients you see, and for what purpose. Are you looking for the best one for kids? For sports players? For people with sensitive skin? Or how about ecologically safe ones?
6. If you are still not sure how to include your opinion, visit Dani's EXAMPLE - Compare Sunscreens and see what I put, and how I added my opinion.
7. Once you have finished your Sunscreen page, go back to the * 5C STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS * page and click on OTHER classmate's sunscreen pages.
8. You must now COMMENT on their pages, using the little thumbtack on the top right of their page.
9. If you have any questions, you can email me through the Wiki (go to the MEMBERS link, click on MissDani, and click on Send Miss Dani a Message)

Tuesday -  Follow these exact instructions...

1. Log into the 5C Wikispaces
2. Scroll down to Units in Health
3. Click on Personal and Consumer Health
4. Click on Homework/On-line: Compare Two Product Advertisements
5. Read the directions and follow them
6. If you have any questions, you can email me through the Wikispace. See #9 above.

Wednesday - Finish the Compare Two Product Advertisements Assignment above...

Thursday - No Homework

Week 10 ~ Oct. 22 - 26

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. We now have to read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids. 

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. Spelling pp. 34 - 36

Wednesday - Grammar pp. 35, 36. Raz-kids. Study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.

Thursday - Remember, no Grammar assessment tomorrow. Finish up Raz-kids today. Remember the new Raz-kids policy. If you're not sure, read it up above.

Week 9 ~ Oct. 15 - 19

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. We now have to read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids. Spelling pp. 30, 31

Tuesday -  Raz-kids.

Wednesday - Grammar pp. 31, 32. Raz-kids. Study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. Remember the new Raz-kids policy. If you're not sure, read it up above.

Week 8 ~ Oct. 8 - 12

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. We now have to read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids

Tuesday -  Raz-kids

Wednesday - Raz-kids, and study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. Remember the new Raz-kids policy. If you're not sure, read it up above.

Week 6 ~ Sep. 21 - 24

Raz-kids.com(Levels T - W) Finish two books and complete the quizzes per week. We now have to read a minimum of two books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quizzes on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz, you will be graded according to the grade you got on the quiz. I will take higher of the two scores on the quizzes. Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and do the quizzes. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment. 
Monday - Raz-kids. Spelling pp. 18 - 19. Bring an image or picture on your USB for your Wikispace profile picture. We will be having virtual library tomorrow.

Tuesday -  Raz-kids. 

Wednesday - Raz-kids.  Spelling p. 20, Grammar p. 20, and study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow. Students who wish to participate in DEBATE: You must investigate the pro's and con's (the good and bad) of the topic, The Use of Smart Phones and Mobile Devices is Beneficial to Social Behavior and Interaction. Create a list (as long as you can) of all the pro's and con's of this topic. Bring the list with you tomorrow and we will hold a mini, pre-debate with Azul and she will decide who stays in the DEBATE.

Thursday - Finish up Raz-kids today. Remember the new Raz-kids policy. If you don't remember, just read up above.

Friday - No classes.

Week 4 ~ Sep. 10 -14

Raz-kids.com: (Levels T - W) 90 minutes per week: You can spread it out however you like over the week, but by Friday morning (when I check the Raz-kids reports) you will need to have completed 90 minutes.  To complete your 90 minutes you can work on Raz-kids since Friday afternoon, all the way until the following Thursday (even Saturday and Sunday count!). Remember, it is part of your Reading homework grade. It must be 90 minutes or more. For example, even if you did 88 minutes, it is still considered incomplete.

*Please don't work ahead on the assignments below. Except for Raz-kids which you can do whenever you like, do the assignments on the days they are assigned.

Monday - No Classes.

Tuesday -  Raz-kids.

Wednesday - Raz-kids.  Rewrite corrected paragraph in Grammar Errors: Week 5 - Verb Tenses sheet in Red notebook. Don't forget to indent and to skip a line. The title is, Corrected Grammar Errors Sheet - Week 5 - Verb Tenses.

Thursday - Finish up 90 minutes of Raz-kids today. Correct Grammar Errors: Week 5 - Capitals and Punctuation sheet. Circle the errors in red, then write the corrections above the errors in black pen or pencil.

Week 4 ~ Sep. 10 -14

Raz-kids.com: (Levels T - W) 90 minutes per week: You can spread it out however you like over the course of Mon-Thurs, but by Friday morning (when I check the Raz-kids reports) you will need to have completed 90 minutes. Remember, it counts as part of your Reading homework grade. It must be 90 minutes or more. For example, even if you did 89 minutes, it is still considered incomplete.

*Please don't work ahead on the assignments below. Except for Raz-kids which you can do whenever you like, do the assignments on the days they are assigned.

Monday - Spelling pp. 13-14. Use Green to guide you.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 15-16

Wednesday - Raz-kids. Study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.

Thursday -  Know what Complex and Compound Sentences are for the Grammar assessment tomorrow. Finish up 90 minutes of Raz-kids today.

Week 3 ~ Sep. 3 - 7

Raz-kids.com: (Levels T - W) 90 minutes per week: You can spread it out however you like over the course of Mon-Thurs, but by Friday morning (when I check the Raz-kids reports) you will need to have completed 90 minutes. Remember, it counts as part of your Reading homework grade. It must be 90 minutes or more. For example, even if you did 89 minutes, it is still considered incomplete.

*Please don't work ahead on the assignments below. Except for Raz-kids which you can do whenever you like, do the assignments on the days they are assigned.

Monday - Spelling pp. 9-10. Use Green to guide you.

Tuesday -  Grammar pp. 11-12

Wednesday - Study all Spelling words for assessment tomorrow

Thursday - Know what Independent and Dependent clauses are for the Grammar assessment tomorrow. Finish up 90 minutes of Raz-kids today.

Raz-kids.com: (Levels T - W) 90 minutes per week: You can spread it out however you like over the course of Mon-Thurs, but by Friday morning (when I check the Raz-kids reports) you will need to have completed 90 minutes. Remember, it counts as part of your Reading homework grade. It must be 90 minutes or more. For example, even if you did 89 minutes, it is still considered incomplete.

Week 2 ~ Aug. 27-31

Raz-kids.com: 90 minutes per week: You can spread it out however you like over the course of Mon-Thurs, but by Thursday you will need to have completed 90 minutes. I will be checking the Raz-kids reports to make sure you have done so, and remember it counts as part of your homework grade.

*Please don't work ahead on the assignments below. Except for Raz-kids which you can do whenever you like, do the assignments on the days they are assigned.

Monday - Do Spelling p. 5. Underline any words you don't understand in red. We will go over those words on Tuesday.

Tuesday -  Spelling pp. 7-8, use Green to help  guide you.

Wednesday - 

Thursday - Use information from the graphic organizer we did today in class, Immigration: Causes and Effects (pasted in Orange), and write a summary about why people have immigrated to the U.S. in your Orange notebook. Title it in red, Immigration: Summary of Causes and Effects. What is a summary? A summary is a paragraph that only talks about the main points. Don't write long explanations, but make sure you write complete sentences. Remember a summary is not a list - it is a paragraph. It shouldn't be more than one page. You will use the graphic organizer to help guide your summary. Study Spelling words for assessment tomorrow.


  1. what is your username in Raz-kids?

  2. It should either be dmelgoza or dmelgozaa. However since Sofia was transferred from Monica's classroom for her it could still be mvogth.

    Please try these 3 and let me know tomorrow which one worked for you.


  3. Dani I cant login in raz-kids the login button is not there

  4. Click where it says, "Hey KIDS! Start here", on the top right above the video.

  5. Dani in raz-kids when i read a book and do its quiz it doesn´t registr that i read the book or do the quiz! and i rad that book twice bcause the first time it didnt registr it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sofi: The Reading practice book pages are listed right above on this page [the homework page] on Wednesday's homework for this week 7. Did you see them? They are pp. 83, 87, 88.

  8. dani the pdf you sent to my mom isnt a pdf its just written like (caring for biggie.pdf) if you click it nothing happens

  9. Do we have to finish the wikispaces thing for homework?

  10. dani how do we present the books? like write them in a paper or do we bring them?

  11. Hi Sofia, write the info I told you to bring on a paper. Also print out an image of the book with the measurements I gave you up above.

  12. Hi Dani, umm can you give me the link of the christmas remix thingy?

  13. Hy Dani I could't log in to raz-kids.

  14. Dani: we need to finish the summarie of what would joey do?

  15. Hi Michelle, yes please finish it.

  16. DANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. thank you!!!!!!!!!
