Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today I passed out 5 tickets per student worth 2 points each. They are here to encourage an English-Only speaking environment in the classroom. Every Monday each student will get 5 tickets (total worth of 10 points to start off the week). If your child is speaking Spanish, he/she will begin to lose tickets. On Friday's I will check to see how many tickets each student has. If they have 10 or more, it is a "10" grade in Oral English for that week. Anything lower and the grade lowers as well. For ex., 3 tickets is equivalent to 6 points which is equivalent to a "6" in their Oral English grade. Every two weeks I will be having a Ticket Sale where students can buy "class passes" for privileges in the classroom. If they buy a "homework pass", they don't have to do the homework that day, but they are responsible to complete it later.

Tickets are allowed inside backpacks, but are not allowed to be stored at home. Your student must bring their tickets to school every day in order for the ticket system to work.

Thank you for your cooperation,


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