Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A holiday suggestion from the 5th graders...

Week 16

This week will be our very last week of assessments. Since Maguis is giving bimestrals this week, we will not be having homework, not even Raz-kids. We will be having our last Spelling assessment of the year on Thursday and our last Grammar assessment on Friday. We will also be doing an in-class project on one of our Reading stories. Please study the spelling words and the grammar concepts this week.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

No classes on Friday 11/30, and no assessments this week..

Due to the short week coming up as well as my field trip to the Templo Mayor with 4C on Wednesday 11/28, there will be no Spelling nor Grammar assessments this Week 15.

I will be gone all day on Wednesday on the field trip, so there will be a substitute teacher on that day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 14 - Short 4-day week: No assessments!

Because this week is a short one, we will not be doing neither Grammar or Spelling assessments this week. We will still have homework, just no assessments.

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No Grammar assessment on Friday

Because of 6th grade Family Day on Friday morning, we will not be having our regularly scheduled Grammar assessment this week as there will be no time.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week 11~Halloween/Day of the Dead~ Short Thursday

This week we will have our annual Halloween festival on Thursday and it will be a short day.

We will not have Spelling, Grammar, or Reading homework (or assessments), but we will have Wikispaces homework. You will need to log into Wikispaces at home to complete this homework on the days it is assigned.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Finish the TRAVEL BROCHURES for Homework:

Since you did not finish your travel brochures during class time, you must now finish them for homework during the weekend.

Sign into the Wikispace:

1. Go to the HOME page
2. Scroll down to UNITS in Social Studies
3. Click on The World and Early People
4. Scroll down to Activities and Projects
5. Click on In-class: Making a Travel Brochure

There you will find the directions for the project.

Remember: It is due Monday.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

No Grammar Assessment for Week 8: Oct. 8 - 12

Because the Spanish teachers are giving their bi-monthly exams, the English homework will be less this coming week and we will not be having a Grammar Assessment. We will still be having a Spelling Assessment on Thursday, however.

Please note you are still responsible to finish Raz-kids this week.

Check the Homework section in this blog to be clear on what you have to do.

Thank you and good luck on your Spanish exams!

Monday, October 1, 2012

PRE-DEBATE has been extended:

Candidates for the debate have been granted one more opportunity to demonstrate their debating ability in front of Azul. The last, pre-debate will be tomorrow Tuesday, Oct. 2nd during recess time in Room 3.

Candidates who attended the last time must bring their lists, materials and useful phrases once again. Azul will be there and this will be the last opportunity to debate in front of Azul so she can make her decisions.

Thank you to all who are participating, and good luck to all!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Super Stars!

5h Grade DEBATE at Olinca

Students who wish to participate in the DEBATE taking place on Nov. 22nd at the Olinca, must pass the mini, "pre-debate" tomorrow with Azul. You must come prepared tomorrow, Thursday Sept. 27th, with your investigation of "pro's and con's" of the topic, The Use of Smart Phones and Mobile Devices is Beneficial to Social Behavior and Interaction.

Please visit the Homework section to see exactly what you need to do and bring tomorrow.

Only students who do investigation on the topic and bring their list of pro's and con's will participate tomorrow and be considered for the DEBATE.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Just wanted to say...


I really enjoyed everything: the decorations, the surprise, the fabulous chocolate cake and cool candle, the beautiful card, the gift in the envelope... but most of all, the best part was seeing everybody there together to celebrate with me!

So, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

You made my day.



No Classes Next Friday, Sept. 28th

Just a reminder that there are no classes next Friday, Sept. 28th.

No Grammar Assessment this week, just Spelling

Because of the short week (Sept. 24th - 27th) we will only be having a Spelling Assessment, but not a Grammar one.

Important: Change in Raz-kids policy

The Raz-kids policies are changing:

Instead of doing 90 minutes per week, we will now have to read a minimum of 2 books per week with a score of 90% or better on the quiz on the first try in order to receive a 10 grade in the Reading homework. If you get less than a 90% on the quiz you will be graded accordingly.

Please remember: two books "per week" means that students have from Friday afternoon until next Thursday evening to finish the two books and complete the quiz. This is a total of 7 days to complete this assignment.

Should you have any questions about this new policy, please do not hesitate to email me: dmelgoza@peterson.edu.mx

Thank you

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No Spelling or Grammar Assessment this week..

Because of MAP testing and the short week, there will be no Spelling or Grammar Assessment this week. We are only reviewing all the Spelling words in class and doing Grammar worksheets for homework.


Today I passed out 5 tickets per student worth 2 points each. They are here to encourage an English-Only speaking environment in the classroom. Every Monday each student will get 5 tickets (total worth of 10 points to start off the week). If your child is speaking Spanish, he/she will begin to lose tickets. On Friday's I will check to see how many tickets each student has. If they have 10 or more, it is a "10" grade in Oral English for that week. Anything lower and the grade lowers as well. For ex., 3 tickets is equivalent to 6 points which is equivalent to a "6" in their Oral English grade. Every two weeks I will be having a Ticket Sale where students can buy "class passes" for privileges in the classroom. If they buy a "homework pass", they don't have to do the homework that day, but they are responsible to complete it later.

Tickets are allowed inside backpacks, but are not allowed to be stored at home. Your student must bring their tickets to school every day in order for the ticket system to work.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Friday, September 14, 2012

MAP Testing

This week we will start MAP testing. You cannot study for MAP tests, but you can make sure you come to school and are present so you can do your very best.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Follow this blog by email

If you type in your email above at the top of the page and click "Submit", you will be able to follow this blog and get alerts via email.

Use of dictionaries and on-line translators for homework..

Please know that it is 100% OK for students to use Spanish/English dictionaries, or on-line translators for anything they do in the homework. They have their dictionaries here at school as well to use during classwork (except during assessments, of course).

The use of dictionaries is a totally acceptable and encouraged practice, so please by all means use them.

One terrific on-line English/Spanish dictionary is: wordreference.com

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Spelling assessment now on Thursdays - Grammar assessment now on Fridays

Due to scheduling, we will now do our Spelling assessments on Thursdays and the Grammar assessments on Fridays.

You should be studying your Spelling words everyday, but please be ready for the assessment on Thursdays now.

The Grammar assessment will be on Fridays and you should be familiar with the concepts we are learning that week. For example, this week we are doing Dependent and Independent clauses. You must know what they are and how to identify them in a sentence for the Grammar assessment. Take the quiz listed in the Homework section of this blog under Thursday's homework and see if you're ready...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Change in emails...

I have just been notified by the school that rather than having the students using their personal emails for school, the Peterson will provide a .peterson.mx account for students to use for educational purposes (such as the Wikispace).

Tomorrow during Virtual Library we will go into your new accounts and into the Wiki as well.

See you then..

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to subscribe to this blog...

If you want to subscribe to this blog [recommended if you want to get alerts every time I post something new], just click on the green link above that says, "Subscribe to 5c English".

You will then be taken to a page where on the right it says, "Subscribe now!" There just select the web-reader you will want to use. Gmail users should probably choose  "google", yahoo users can use "my yahoo" and hotmail users can also use google because you don't need a gmail account for a "google" account.

Any questions just send me an email.


If you cannot understand the homework...

If you're doing say, pages in Spelling, and you do not understand a couple exercises:

Do this first:
1.) READ the directions again, c a r e f u l l y. Try and figure it out.
2.) Get help from an adult.
3.) Call one of your class friends and ask them.
4.) Take an educated guess. You might be right!

If you don't understand a whole page or more and NOBODY else can help you, please write me an email at: dmelgoza@peterson.edu.mx with the following information:

1. Your name
2. What book/subject is it?
3. What page number(s)?
4. What is the name of the activity? (should be in bold on top of the page in the book you are working on or right above the work)
5. What exactly are you looking at on the page?
6. What is it exactly that you don't understand?

For ex., an email you write to me could look like this:

Hi Dani,

This is (insert your name here) and I'm working on my Spelling book p. 7. The activity says to proofread a postcard but I don't understand? What do I do with this paragraph?  Also on the same page the next activity says to proofread words. What is proofread? On #8 there are 3 words that say vocle, vocal, and vocel. What do I do?


I will try and respond as soon as I can. Remember: the MORE information you give me about what exactly you are seeing on the page, what the directions are, and what your question is, the better I can help you! And please: Don't email me for every little thing, only when you really feel super lost and you won't be able to do most of your homework, and, NOBODY else can help you before me. In other words: Only email me for Homework Emergencies!

Good luck and success to you :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Don't worry about going into the WIKI today. I still need to invite all of you through your email. Tomorrow during Virtual library we will go into it together, ok?

Have a good evening, and see you tomorrow.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome to 5c English!

This blog will be a great source of information for you as a student in my classroom. A good practice will be to check this blog every time you sit down to do your homework, as I (can and will) update the blog periodically. Think of it as a way for me to relay messages to you while you’re not physically present in the classroom. If there is something you need to know – it will be right here on this blog: I will post up news, specific instructions and changes in projects, pictures, helpful links and basically anything that can help YOU learn better.

So don’t forget to check the blog! 

Looking forward to a great year with you,

                                                                                Dani :-)